Saturday, 27 September 2014

Dublin Theatre Festival - Panel Discussions

Chaired by Sean Rocks and presented in association with RTÉ Radio One, these discussions will address some of the themes at play in the 2014 festival programme. The panels are open to the public and will be recorded for broadcast on RTÉ Radio One’s Arena. Admission is free but ticketed. Early booking is advised as seats are limited.

Whose Hamlet is it anyway?

He may be one of the most famous characters in world literature, but he has also proved to be one of the most malleable. For the Victorians, he was a warning against the dereliction of duty; for us today, he might be more recognisable as a stay-at-home arts graduate who doesn’t know what to do with himself. What is it that allows him to be our eternal contemporary?
  • Venue: Bewley’s Café Theatre
  • Date: Saturday Sept 27, 4pm

Imagining Australia

The showcase of Australian productions at this year’s festival opens the door on a theatre culture that remains largely unknown to Irish audiences. What can we learn from works written on the other side of the world? Does Australian theatre have lessons for Ireland in how it deals with cultural diversity and a colonial past?
  • Venue: Bewley’s Café Theatre
  • Date: Thursday Oct 2, 4pm

Playwriting – making it work, getting it on

How do we identify talented writers with something to say and ensure that their work is staged? How can we ensure that playwrights have sustainable careers in theatre, that their development and risk-taking as writers is encouraged? This panel will focus on the role and opportunities for playwrights in Ireland today, with contributions from playwrights, dramaturgs and Irish theatre companies who develop and present new writing for the stage.
  • Panel:
  • Sean Rocks (Chair)
  • Lynne Parker (Trustee of Stewart Parker Trust and Artistic Director of Rough Magic)
  • Aideen Howard (Literary Director of the Abbey Theatre)
  • Amy Conroy (Playwright, founder HotForTheatre and author of an In Development presentation during Dublin Theatre Festival 2014)
  • Hanna Slattne (Dramaturg, Tinderbox Theatre Company

Presented in association with the Stewart Parker Trust.
  • Venue: Irish Writers’ Centre
  • Date: Wednesday Oct 8, 4pm

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