Monday, 1 September 2014

Mountains to Sea Festival

What a fantastic line up they have in Dun Laoghaire again this year. I find the ones in bold appealing personally. The cost can add up somewhat though so I can't do them all. What ones will you see?

Definitely going to Dylan Thomas's Shed.

8.00pm Abbey Theatre on Tour Maeve’s House Pavilion Theatre 8

10.30am Creative Writing Workshop for Teenagers dlr LexIcon
11.30am Murderous Maths with Kjartan Poskitt Pavilion Theatre
6.30pm Vona Groarke & Don Paterson Pavilion Theatre
7.00pm dlr Writer in Residence Colm Keegan Maritime Museum
8.30pm John Boyne & David Mitchell Pavilion Theatre

10.30am My Favourite Superheroes with Alan Nolan County Hall
11.00am It’s Up to Us dlr LexIcon
11.00am Writing Workshop with Anna Carey & Patrick Freyne dlr LexIcon
11.00am Writing Workshop with Jane Casey dlr LexIcon
12.30pm The Irish Times Poetry Now Award dlr LexIcon Free
12.30pm TG Lurgan Anseo! Pavilion Theatre
1.00pm Poetry Take-Away dlr LexIcon (Twitter)
2.00pm The Dahl Factor County Hall
2.30pm Michael Symmons Roberts dlr LexIcon
2.30pm John Kelly & Paul Lynch Pavilion Theatre
4.30pm Going Too Far? Panel on YA Books dlr LexIcon 324.30pm Lynn Barber Pavilion Theatre
5.00pm Menna Elfyn & Nessa O’Mahony County Hall
6.30pm Sinéad Morrissey Maritime Museum
6.30pm Kamila Shamsie & Xiaolu Guo Pavilion Theatre
7.00pm The Great Teddy Bear Library Sleepover dlr LexIcon
8.30pm Letters Live Pavilion Theatre

10.00am Haiku-Writing Ginko Meet at East Pier
10.30am Writing Workshop with Mia Gallagher dlr LexIcon
11.00am Where’s Wally Library Hunt dlr LexIcon
11.00am Picture Book Picnic (session 1) dlr LexIcon
11.30am Sunday Miscellany Pavilion Theatre
12.00pm Picture Book Picnic (session 2) dlr LexIcon
12.30pm Shine/Strong Poetry Award Reading dlr LexIcon
12.30pm Eoin Colfer & Aneirin Karadog dlr LexIcon
1.00pm Poetry Take-Away dlr LexIcon (Twitter)
2.00pm Teen Creative Writing Workshop dlr LexIcon
2.30pm David Park & Sinéad Morrissey Pavilion Theatre
2.30pm Jane Casey & Liz Nugent dlr LexIcon
3.00pm Yasmeen Ismail Illustration Masterclass dlr LexIcon
3.45pm Pop-up Poetry Soapbox dlr LexIcon at Shed
4.45pm The Legacy of Dylan Thomas dlr LexIcon
4.30pm Lee Child Pavilion Theatre
6.30pm Karen Perry & Sinéad Crowley dlr LexIcon
6.30pm Making a Scene with Jed Mercurio & Michael Hirst Pavilion Theatre
8.30pm RMS Titanic – Anthony Cronin & Dónal Lunny Pavilion Theatre

Link and booking here


  1. I'm attending some events on Saturday. Looking forward especially to Sinéad Morrissey and Michael Symmons Roberts.
