Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Go Explore

Happy Paddy's Day. Why not spend some free time exploring the big wide cyberworld?

Alexandra Sokoloff is a horror genre writer who has plenty to say that's relevant to all genres.

The poet Annette Marie Hyder blogs at Ad Libitum.

Angela Meyer is Literary Minded in Oz.

Musings of an Aussie Writer is a good insight into the Writing World downunder.

Newpages Blog has US centred writing news

Emma Darwin is an author who blogs at This Itch of Writing

Mysterious Matters is a blog about Mystery writing. Isn't it interesting how many of the top mystery writers are women?

Poetry Book Society Top Tips for poetry readers by Simon Armitage. Irrevent but ring true.

Pursued by a Bear is the blog award shortlisted Irish Times blog.

Rachelle Gardner blogs at Rants and Ramblings of a literary agent.

Ruby Writes Romance is a blog about writing a Mills and Boone.

Splinster writes mainly on the dark side.

Storm Drain Graffitti shows street art on storm drains and some manhold covers from Sao Paulo.

Strictly Writing is a group blog about the craft of writing. Well worth a read.


  1. Great list!

    There's an enjoyable exhibition in the Library in Trinity at the moment about mystery/detective writers - 'The Body in the Library.'

  2. Happy St. Patricks day for yesterday. I got to try bacon and cabbage for the first time.

  3. Luckily Bacon and cabbage isn't mandatory...

  4. That'll teach me for not checking my Google Alerts!

    Thanks for the mention - consider me eternally humbled.
