Tuesday, 14 May 2019

iYeats International Poetry Competition

The iYeats International Poetry Competition 2019 is now open for entries! Hosted by Hawk’s Well Theatre since 2009, the annual event has won a prestigious reputation for the calibre of both entrants, and judges. 
The competition is open to all those who are sixteen years of age and upwards, with an prize of €500 for the winner of the General Category, and €300 is awarded to the winner of the Emerging Category for those aged between 16-25 years of age. 
Launched a decade ago, the poetry competition was initiated by the Hawk's Well Theatre to mark the 50th Yeats International Summer School, and the 70th anniversary of the death of W. B Yeats.
Following in the tradition of the previous years’ lauded panels, the judges for this year’s iYeats Poetry Competition are highly respected poet John F. Deane, and spoken word artist Rafeef Ziadah.
Reflecting the truly global impact of the competition, 2018’s winning entry ‘New York, It Had a Ring To It’ was written by Sighle Meehan from Galway, while the emerging category saw ‘Helen’ by Sarah Ang of Singapore, take the top prize. All the previous award-winning poems are available to read on the Hawk’s Well Theatre’s website.
The closing date for entries into the 2019 iYeats International Poetry Competition is Wednesday 3rd July, at 11am (GMT). As this is an online poetry competition, entrants can visit the Hawk’s Well website for further information on the competition terms and conditions and to upload and submit their entries.
Visit www.hawkswell.com/iyeats/poetry for further details.

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Ó Bhéal's poetry competition

7th Ó Bhéal  International Five Words Poetry Competition                 

At around noon each Tuesday (GMT), from April 2019 to the end of January 2020, five words are posted on the Ó Bhéal Five Words competition page. Entrants have one week to compose and submit poems that include all five words given for the week.

The competition runs for 41 weeks, until the last week of January and a prize of 500 euro is awarded to one winner, and if available, invited to read at Ó Bhéal’s anniversary event in early April (an additional travel fee of 100 euro plus B&B accommodation will be provided for this). Follow the link for submission guidelines.


Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Padraic Colum International Gathering - Adult Poetry Competition 2019

Prizes for this year’s Adult Poetry Competition are: 1st prize €250, 2nd prize €75 and 3rd prize €50. Winners will be announced at our Padraic Colum Commemorative Concert on Friday, May 17th – all welcome!

Saturday, 2 March 2019

haiku/senryu writing competition

To celebrate Poetry Day in Ireland, Anam Cara Writer's and Artist's Retreat in Beara, West Cork, Ireland (www.anamcararetreat.com), is organising and sponsoring a haiku/senryu writing competition. They are looking forward to your joining the celebration with your entry.
Please submit up to three previously unpublished and original haiku (nature based) and/or senryu (human nature based) to Poetry Day Competition at c. The Subject Line must read ‘Poetry Day Competition’. Please include contact details only on your cover email; each entry should be submitted in a Word doc or PDF with no identifying information and the contact info either in the body of the email or in a separate document.
First Prize: A week's all-inclusive retreat at Anam Cara Writer's and Artist's Retreat
Runners Up: A collection of haiku/senryu books published by Alba Publishing
Deadline: 31 March 2019
Winners Announced: 2 May 2019
Judges:  Maeve O'Sullivan and Kim Richardson
You may find the following resources, and guidelines for writing haiku, of interest:

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Bangor Literary Journal Submissions

Submissions open for Bangor Literary Journal
Deadline Midnight 31st March


  • Please email your submissions to thebangorliteraryjournal@hotmail.com with the heading (SUBMISSIONS-Name-POETRY- 8th ISSUE)
  • Submit a maximum of two previously unpublished poems (We consider it published if it has appeared on: social media, online or in print)
    no longer than 40 lines long.
Flash Fiction Submissions:
  • Please email your submissions to thebangorliteraryjournal@hotmail.com with the heading (SUBMISSIONS-Name-FLASH FICTION-8th ISSUE)
  • Submit a maximum of two previously unpublished pieces of flash fiction (We consider it published if it has appeared on: social media, online or in print)
    no longer than 200 words long.
Also Art photography and Reviews

More info here

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Poems For Patience

Galway University Hospitals Arts Trust is seeking entries again for its annual poetry competition. The poetry competition is run in conjunction with the Poems For Patience series as part of Cúirt International Festival of Literature which runs from April 8th – 14th in Galway. 

Deadline: Friday February 22nd. 

The prize as part of the annual poetry competition includes: the winner will have his/her poem published and displayed on the Arts Corridor of University Hospital Galway as part of the 2019 Poems For Patience series. 

The poems, after exhibition on the Arts Corridor, are then displayed in waiting areas throughout Galway University Hospitals. 

The winner will also be invited to read his or her winning poem at the launch of the 2019 Poems For Patience at Cúirt International Festival of Literature in April 2019;  given a copy of their poem printed and framed as a Poem for Patience poster and invited to submit six poems for consideration to be a Featured Reader at the Over The Edge: Open Reading series in Galway City Library.

The aim of Poems for Patience is to provide access to poetry for patients, their families, staff, visitors and the wider hospital community. Waiting areas are used by patients and their loved ones on a daily basis, in outpatient clinics, going for scans, x-rays and other tests as inpatients.

The competition judge is Kevin Higgins. 

Poems entered in the competition should be no more than 32 lines long.


To enter one poem the fee is €10. If you enter two or more poems the entry fee is €7.50 per poem i.e. to enter two poems it costs €15, to enter three poems €22.50 and so on.

Details here