Woke up and Diva-ed. Very good coffee in the Mindfield.

Kicking off in the Literary tent at noon. The Poetry Diva Collective were fantastic and well received.

It was tipping out the high heavens and still people walked through the muck to see us. And stayed. Dermot Bolger said he wished he had brought his tiara and had learned a lot about boobs.
Theo Dorgan followed us and said he enjoyed it. (I think he wasn't just saying it either. Poets generally use the right words)

Followed by the lovely poet, Eileen Casey

and also Siobhan Daffy with a singsong voice, self-accompanied by a plinking sitar and gentle drumming.

Taught another, smaller class on fairy stories with Big Bad Wolves slippingin butter, falling into lava and elephants eating Apple Pie while the Poetry Diva Collective hit Body and Soul guerilla style again.
Poetry Chicks strutted on the Word Stage.
Watched some heavy dance music perched high on a firey stage. The security gave us pulling enthusiastic audience members off after a while but I didn't see anyone take a dive.

Late getting to see Florence and the Machine in the Electric Arena so we were too far back. I saw her hand once and when the guy in front of me held up his digital camera, I could kind of see her but that was about it. Cane I jsut say, I had a much better view when I saw her last year, in Crawdaddy (I think) with about 50 people in the audience. She was really good, great rapport, real stage presence.
Went down to dance in the Speigal tent and into Poptopia to thisispopbaby and caught some wonderful drag acts.
/>What heels they dance in. Fab.

Costume changes and everything.
Alabama 3 on the Main Stage had a great, grungy and gritty sound. Did you know they made very little money from the theme tune to the Sopranos?
Went back to Crawdaddy, not just for the Southern Comfort, for a great band from mali, Amadou and Mariam.

They were bowled over the reception they got. Fantastic, rocky African rhythms and wonderful, emergetic dancers.

They were followed by Bell X1 on the main stage and then Basement Jaxx. They had a great stage show, animation and lights but the dance music is not my thing. Moved on to Flaming Lips at the Electric Arena. Again, a great show, fantastic green lasers but not my thing either. Back of the tent was a quagmire. Inside of my wellie was also a quagmire.
Finished off at Body and Soul again, back in the teepee.

I tried to move one large, blue cushion, only to find out it was a sleeping man. My wellies had spring a serious leak by now and my socks and feet were moist all day. At the teepee fire, they were steaming. Bliss. I didn't want to leave.

Went home Monday in my pyjamas, the only not very muddy clothes left in my bag. Soggy wellies left standing in a Stradbally field.