Saturday 30 May 2015

RTE Guide / Penguin Ireland Short Story competition 2015

It's back! I've never got anywhere with this competition but I know a good few writers who have so let rip!

Entries for the RTÉ Guide / Penguin Ireland short story Competition 2015 should be original, unpublished and previously not broadcast short stories in English, of 2,000 words or less. Paper manuscripts must be typed and cannot be returned. 
Entrant’s name and contact details (address, phone and/or email) should be on a separate page. There is no fee for entering the competition but only one entry is allowed per person. 
Deadline: 6pm, Friday, June 19, 2015. 
Send your entries to: RTÉ Guide / Penguin Ireland short story Competition 2015, PO Box 1480, RTÉ, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 or email to:, making sure to label your mail ‘RTÉ Guide/Penguin Ireland short story Competition 2015’.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Four Corners 2015 - International Poetry Competition

Poems are invited for an international poetry competition judged by Mimi Khalvati. 
Prizewinning and commended poems will be published in a commemorative pamphlet and prizes awarded at a ceremony on Tuesday 13th October 2015. Eligibility: poems are invited from poets of any nationality, with or without a connection to the University or college. 

Theme: Four Corners, based on the College motto ad quattuor cardines mundi (to the four corners of the earth), which will be interpreted broadly. 

Up to six poems, in any form, each up to 40 lines

Deadline: Thursday 2 July

Awards: Prizes of £500 (open category) and £250 (St Cross category) will be awarded. 
Prizewinning and commended poets will receive a copy of the prize pamphlet and their poems will appear on the College website. 

Submission: Please submit by email to Payment is via the online payment link 

Fee of £5 for first poem, £3 for each subsequent poem. 
Detailed competition rules can be viewed here.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Zurich Dalkey Book Festival

Dalkey Book Festival, described by Salman Rushdie as “the best little festival in the world”, takes place every year in June. It was set up by Sian Smyth and David McWilliams in 2010. Since then the festival has hosted internationally renowned writers, including Booker Prize winners, a Nobel Laureate, Impac winners, Oscar winners and Tony award nominees.

The charm of this festival is undoubtedly the intimate nature of the numerous events, which take place in pubs, cafes, shops, schools and the local town hall as well as the medieval graveyard , the secret garden marquee and the Masonic Lodge. Dalkey is the kind of place where you will casually bump into some of the world’s greatest writers, in the parks, pubs and cafes of this compact town.

Details here

The Friday events in particular look good:

The Heritage Centre
Price €10.00
The Secret Garden Marquee
Price €15.00
The Heritage Centre
Price €10.00
The Seafront Marquee
Price €15.00

Sunday 24 May 2015

2015 iYeats Poetry Competition

The iYeats Poetry Competition is an annual, onlineinternational poetry competition, open to all those 16 years of age and upwards.

They have an overall prize across the board of entries and an emerging prize to a young poet aged between 16-25 years of age.

General category: First Prize €500
Emerging category: €300 (aged 16 – 25 years)
Closing date for entries: Wed 1 July, 2015 at 5pm

Judges for 2015 are Jane Clarke and Dave Lordan. - interesting combination, both good poets. I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that! But then I enjoy listening to either of them.

Fee: €5 per poem or €12 for three

Friday 22 May 2015

Tin House Submissions

I am a big fan of Tin House, the literary journal from Portland, Oregon. Get your hands on a copy. (I have some I could lend...)

Tin House Theme Issues

We accept submissions until May 31, and, as always, our summer and winter issues are not themed. We consider each submission for all upcoming issues regardless of theme. If you wish to be considered for a particular theme, please make a note in your cover letter. We have provided suggested deadlines for each theme issue, but please be aware that these fill up fast, so get your theme-issue submissions in as soon as possible.

Tin House is now reading for our next TWO issues:

Winter, 2015: Open, non-themed. Pub date December 1, 2015. Deadline for submissions: May 31, 2015

Spring, 2016: FAITH. We are looking for fiction, poems, essays, and interviews dealing with the faith in not only religions, but faith in knowledge, math, science, people, animals, places, institutions, food, color—anything that could possibly be a receptacle for one’s faith, questioned or unquestioned. Pub date March 1, 2016. Deadline for submissions: May 31, 2015.

 one story or essay (10,000-word limit), or up to five poems at a time. 

They use online submittable. Link and info here

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Workplace Haiku in the FT

Here's an interesting competition you may not have heard of, Workplace Haiku from the Financial Times.

FT Executive Appointments launched its weekly haiku/senryu contest in 2014. Winning poems covering specific workplace-related topics are published in the section on Thursdays.

To enter, find the current topic in each week’s Executive Appointments and send your poems on that topic to

This week's theme is First Day at Work 

Entries must be previously unpublished and the writer’s own work.

More info here (but there's a pay wall. If you don't have a copy, try the library)

Here's one on an open field blog

Monday 18 May 2015

Seán Ó Faoláin Short Story Competition

The Seán Ó Faoláin Short Story Competition is an annual short story competition open to writers from around the world, submissions accepted from May to July annually. It is dedicated to one of Ireland’s most accomplished story writers and theorists, sponsored by the Munster Literature Centre.

If the winner comes to Cork to collect their prize, they say they will lavish them with hotel accommodation, meals, drinks and VIP access to the literary stars at the Cork International Short Story Festival (23 – 26 September 2015).

The Munster Literature Centre is a not-for-profit organisation; all moneys raised from the competition benefits writers and writing.

First Prize: €2,000 (approx $2153/£1431 in April 2015), publication in the literary journal Southword, AND a week-long residency at Anam Cara Writer’s and Artist’s Retreat.
Second Prize: €500 and publication in Southword.

Four more shortlisted entries will be selected for publication in Southword and receive a publication fee of €120.

This year’s judge is Danielle McLaughlin 

The competition is open to original, unpublished and unbroadcast short stories in the English language of 3,000 words or fewer.

Entry fee of €15 or £15

Deadline 31st July 2015

Link here

Saturday 16 May 2015

Boyle Poetry Competition

Deadline: June the 25th

The judge for this year's competition is Joseph Woods

The prize for this year's competition is €250 for first prize plus 2 x €50 highly commended.

Shortlisted poems will be notified ahead of the awards which will be held on Saturday the 1st of August in King House Boyle Co. Roscommon.

The entry fee is €5 per poem and an entry form must accompany. You can submit as many poems as you like.

Details to be checked out Here 

Poems must be the original unpublished work of the author and not exceed 40 lines.

The name of the entrant not to appear on the poem itself.

And good luck!

Thursday 14 May 2015

Family Matters Short Story anthology

From Michael Farry's blog

International author and editor Frank Joussen from Germany is looking for short stories (500 - 3,500 words approx.) or very creatively written non-fiction stories that focus strongly on relationships within the family.

Frank was one of the co-editors of the international anthology "Family Matters" by Indian publisher Nivasini which included a number of stories and poems by Irish authors.

As in that book, the aim is to string together stories from many different cultures, age groups, religions, countries. How much do we really know about family life in other countries, other cultures? How much of our cultural knowledge is based on hearsay or worn out clichés?

The stories will be translated into German, therefore the editor is only asking for first-time publication rights in the German language. All rights remain with the authors and the English original version can still be considered unpublished. Previously published pieces are also more than welcome.

For reviews of the original "Family Matters" anthology please go to here and here.

The deadline is 1 July. 

Frank pays one complimentary copy and is willing to send you more copies at a reduced price.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Hungry Hill Writing Poetry Competition

Hungry Hill Writing has launched their Wild Atlantic Words poetry competitions.

First prizes of €500 in the open competition and €50 in the school students’ competition. 
Entries may be on any theme related to coastal landscape or maritime life and heritage. 

Judge: Breda Wall Ryan and she will judge entries anonymously.

Deadline: 19 July 2015

Each poem must not exceed 40 lines
Up to three poems may be submitted per entry

A fee of €10 is payable per entry of up to three poems. 

More details here

Interestingly they also say
Hungry Hill Writing reserves the right to disqualify entries which are reasonably deemed libellous or otherwise actionable under civil or criminal law. In such cases entry fees will not be refunded.
I wonder what the story is there?

And they have announced the Wild Atlantic Words poetry festival, to be held on 5 and 6 September 2015 in Castletownbere, County Cork.  It will include workshops led by award-winning poets, public readings, an open mic event, and publication of the competition anthologies.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Poetry Workshop in Ennistymon

As part of Ennistymon Book Fair (30/31st May), on, poet Mark Granier will give a day-long creative writing workshop

When?  Saturday 30th of May 10.30am - 4.30pm, with an hour lunch break.
Where? Salmon Bookshop,Ennistymon.
How much? €40

limited spaces, booking essential.

Contact for details

Friday 8 May 2015

The Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award 2015

The Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award for a first unpublished collection of poems in English is open to poets, born in the island of Ireland, or of Irish nationality, or long term resident in Ireland. 

Manuscripts accepted for publication shall be eligible ONLY if the resulting collection of poems is NOT published before the judges’ decision is announced.

The award is now in its 45th year.

Deadline Friday 24th July 2015

The adjudicator is Brian Lynch - I think they should change. He's been judging this for years.

The entry fee is €25/£25
The winner of this year’s award will receive €1,000.

Rules and entry form from the Patrick Kavanagh Centre, Inniskeen: