Yes, it's me. No, not the news section with a scary report of a woman gone wild around Ronaldo (although it's not beyond the realms of impossibility) nor in the business section about a woman gone stony broke so her children are looking desparately for work so they can eat (anyone know of a temporary bar staff job or security or general casual labour? There's nothing going that we can find - completely demoralising)
No I'm in the Go section (Travel). Hidden Gems. Buy one today and read it and then write your own, why not?
I've loads more ideas from when I used to travel places. Maybe they'd be interested in a piece about travelling when you've no money...
BTW - they pay. 300 words. Give it a go.
Thought you might like this: In association with the Guardian, a 500-word article travel writing competition. Win a holiday. http://www.ivebeenthere.co.uk/articles/travel-writing-comp.jsp
Bet you were chuffed seeing your name there. well done.
Congrats. Kate...gonna go read it.
well done! :)
Haha you book fiend ... great article Kate, congrats!
By the way, my blog has moved to here:
Do visit me! :)
And of course you got books and writing in there, cute article:) Could be the start of a new life for you!
Good for you, congrats
BTW - they pay. 300 words. Give it a go.
I found your blog via Niamh at Writer on the way home - I did a guest slot on her blog back in late july here:
and I looked for your Hidden Gem in the archive of the Irish times - I presume it's the fjord one so well done on being published!
I like the look of your blog and will follow it - I have only a self-published short story in a collection we did as a writer's group some years ago, and I blog for fun and relaxation as well as to vent occasionally - and share recipes and some travel and art pieces. Please follow it if you wish, all new readers are very welcome!
All the best, Catherine.
Thanks Catherine, Fjord's it is. I'm hoping to finish another one soon. You're very welcome to my blog and hope you enjoy it. Any suggestion or comments always welcome. Your blog looks inviting and delicious.
Thanks Catherine, Fjord's it is. I'm hoping to finish another one soon. You're very welcome to my blog and hope you enjoy it. Any suggestion or comments always welcome. Your blog looks inviting and delicious.
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