Tuesday 23 January 2018

Poetry Ireland Introductions

Applications are now open for Poetry Ireland Introductions 2018, which will offer poets in the early stages of their careers, writing in Irish or English, the opportunity to showcase their work through workshops and performance. 

The poets selected for Introductions 2018 will participate in a workshop focused on poetic form and craft, as well as a masterclass on the art of reading and performing poetry in public. A third workshop will be provided on marketing and self-promotion for poets. 

Poetry Ireland Introductions 2018 will culminate in a number of public readings during the International Literature Festival Dublin.

Poetry Ireland is delighted to announce that poet Sinead Morrissey will select this year’s participants and will also lead the form and craft workshop. Theo Dorgan will lead the poetry reading and performance workshop.

How to apply: 
Interested poets should submit their work to be considered for selection for Introductions 2018. Applicants are required to submit:
A short biography and covering letter.
A selection of published or unpublished poems (no more than 10 pages in total).
Submitting poets should ideally have had work published in established journals and magazines.
Only poets resident on the island of Ireland or Irish poets living abroad may apply.
Applications are facilitated by an independent, established assessor.
Selected applicants are usually informed within four weeks of the deadline and, depending on the number of submissions, approximately 12 poets are selected each year.
Applications should be sent to:  
Introductions 2018, Poetry Ireland, 11 Parnell Square East, Dublin 1
Application Deadline: 
Friday 16 February 2018

Friday 12 January 2018

The 2017/18 International Book & Pamphlet Competition - Poetry Business

The 2017/18 International Book & Pamphlet Competition
Judged by Liz Berry & David Constantine

Deadline: last post on Thursday 1st March 2018, or midnight on Thursday 1st March 2018 for online entrants.

Prizes: publication by smith|doorstop; a share of £2,000 cash; a launch reading at The Wordsworth Trust; publication in the North magazine; book vouchers from Inpress and more.

Entrants are invited to submit a collection of 20-24 pages of poetry. Four winners will be selected by the judges to be published by our award winning imprint smith|doorstop books.

All winners will also receive a share of £2,000, publication in the North magazine, a reading at The Wordsworth Trust and gift vouchers from Inpress Books.

All winners will be guaranteed pamphlet publication, however there is also an opportunity to submit a full-length manuscript, which if successful, will be published as a book in the Autumn of 2018.

Full-price entry is £28. Subscribers to the North, Friends of the Poetry Business, and members of the Poetry Society are eligible for the discounted fee of £25.

Entries can be submitted by post (with a cheque and completed entry form) or online by clicking here. 

Interestingly, all entrants to the main competition will automatically be entered into The Laureate's Prize, which will celebrate and showcase the best single poems by entrants to The 2017/18 International Book & Pamphlet Competition.

The competition judges will shortlist sixteen poems from all manuscripts entered into the main competition. A first, second and third prize winner will be chosen by poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy.

Three winners will be awarded prizes of £500 (1st prize), £200 (2nd prize), and £50 (3rd prize) respectively. The winners will also be invited to read a selection of their work alongside the winners of our main International Book & Pamphlet Competition at The Wordsworth Trust.

The three winning poems will be published in the North magazine in 2018. 

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Bristol Poetry Prize 2018

This competition is one of the longer poem competitions, up to 100 lines.

1st Prize: £600 plus an invitation to read your poem at Bristol Poetry Festival 2018
2nd Prize: £300
3rd Prize: £100
Open theme
Line restriction: 100 lines.
Judge: Helen Ivory (All poems will be seen by Helen Ivory)
Entry fee: £6.00 per poem

Deadline for entries: Midnight (GMT) Saturday 31st March 2018

Info link here

Monday 8 January 2018

20 years of Strokestown

To celebrate 20 years of the Strokestown Poetry festival, they have a new competition.

To mark 20 years, there is a new competition for 20 lines of poetry, based on any of 20 picture prompts - with 20 prizes. The winning entries will be displayed alongside the images during the Festival, from May 3rd - 7th 2018.  

The poetry competition is available on-line, costs just €3 per poem, and will be judged by poet Noelle Lynskey, who will read all entries.

The first prize is €100, with 19 runners-up each receiving €20. 

Deadline: February 9th 

Entries can be less than, but no more than, 20 lines.

So let's be brief

More details – and 20 picture prompts- are available on https://www.strokestownpoetry.org/competitions-2018/2020-competition/ 

Saturday 6 January 2018

Flash Fiction Competition: Kanturk Arts Festival

This Year’s Kanturk Arts Festival takes place from Thursday 15th March to Monday 19th March 2018 inclusive.

Flash Fiction Prizes

1st €200, 2nd €75 and 3rd €25

The 2018 competition will be judged by novelist Denyse Woods.
Your Flash Fiction entry can be inspired by, suggested by or based on the image below, using no more than 500 words.

Terms and Conditions

There is no entry fee for this competition
Maximum number of words is 500
Your entry must be original and must not have been previously published in print or online, been broadcast or have won a prize.

Deadline: 10 pm Wednesday, January 31st, 2018.

A shortlist will appear on Kanturk Arts Festival page at no less than two weeks prior to Kanturk Arts Festival. Shortlisted authors will be contacted by email.

To enter online, click: Enter Flash Fiction Contest
and follow the instructions.


(Judging is done anonymously.) Your entry and name are linked automatically when you enter. Receipt of entry will be by email only.

How to Enter by Post

Post to: Kanturk Arts Festival, Raveloe, Curragh Court, Kanturk, Co. Cork

All entries must be printed on one side of the page only in a reasonably sized type and using double spacing.

Thursday 4 January 2018

2018 York Literature Festival / YorkMix Poetry Competition

The prestigious competition, now in its sixth year, is established as a major national literary event.

The closing date for entries is February 25, 2018.

This year’s judge is acclaimed poet Andrew McMillan. There are some interesting comments on what he is looking for in a poem here.

The first prize rises to £600, with a runner-up award of £150, a third prize of £75 and a new, fourth prize of £50.
At the judge’s discretion, up to ten Highly Commended and 15 Commended poems will each win their writer a certificate.

The minimum entry fee is £6 for a single poem; £15 for up to two or three; £17.50 for four; £20 for five. There is no limit to the number of poems that can be submitted.
The award ceremony will be on a boat.

Link here