Where you bin?
Originally uploaded by Island 2000 Arts
Archwords has a terrific post here about the interpretation of Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken.”
Bluechrome blog about struggling as an independent press.
a salted blog is sara crowley on words and writing.
Lots of American Poetry on the Borders Open Door website. It sounds like a project we should take on here.
How to generate text from Duck Island in a variety of styles. See link to a salted blog above.
Everyday fiction has a daily short story up to 1,000 words. Varying qualities. If you want to submit, they pay a token 3 dollars.
Guess what Literary Rejection on Display blogs about
A great project Island Trust 2000 on the Isle of Wight has bronzed plaques of poetry at bus stops. What a terrific idea.
Poetry International is based around the South Bank in London. They have loads of literary events.
Postal Poetry teams up postcard art with poets (although the poetry is not exactly very long)
Obsessive Compulsive is AL Kennedy blogging about her peripatetic writing life in the New Statesman.
Slow Poetry show David Morley reading some poems in situ. This project presents Slow Art on an Arts Trail including poetry. Terrific idea. Here's his blog.
Via Negative is the blog of Dave Bonta, a poet, editor, and shutterbug from the eastern edge of western Pennsylvania with a separate category of photos.
The View from here by Susan Wiggs has a great summary of a workshop on novel plotting.
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