Corkonians get it on in February.
Éigse 2009: Humour, Irony and Wit is a festival of poetry and prose presented by the Munster Literature Centre.
Wednesday, 18th February to Saturday, 21st February.
Not all irony is funny and not all humour induces belly laughter. Humour can be subtly nuanced or it can be in-your -face obvious and is often shaped by cultural considerations. Ridicule - a French arthouse film of some years back, notoriously claimed that the English had no wit but something called humour instead. Arguably one person’s wit is another person’s mere humour. To acknowledge this we have gathered together a disparate motley crew of literary clowns whose origins include America, Britain, Estonia and Japan as well as Ireland. We have poets, novelists, essayists and chancers of many genres.
Wednesday 18th February
Book Launch: Cailleach: The Hag of Beara by Leanne O’Sullivan
The launch of Leanne O’Sullivan’s second poetry collection Cailleach: The Hag of Beara, published by Bloodaxe Books, England. The book takes its title from An Cailleach Bhéarra, or the Hag of Beara, who is a wise woman figure embedded in the physical and mental landscape of western Ireland and Scotland, particularly in the Beara Peninsula in West Cork.
Where: Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin Street.
When: 7.30 pm. Complimentary wine reception.
Thursday 19th February
Book Launch: Done Dating DJs by Jenny Minniti-Shippey
Munster Literature Centre is proud to present the winning chapbook of the
2008 Fool for Poetry Chapbook Competition. Published by Southword Editions.
Where: Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin Street.
When: 7.00 pm.
(I'm not surprised the evenutual winner of this expenseive chapbook competition was American based. It was obviously aimed at the US market. I'll be interested to see the shortlist to be posted this month. Great title by the way.)
Readings: Humour and Irony
A quickfire, varied reading by a selection of mostly Cork-resident poets known for their sense of humour and irony. Featuring John Corless, Billy Ramsell, Liz O’Donoghue, Ian Wild, Matthew Sweeney and Cliff Wedgebury.
Where: Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin Street.
When: 8.00 pm.
Readings: Neil Rollison & Fiona Pitt Kethley
A reading by two British poets renowned for mixing the humorous and the erotic. Neil Rollinson & Fiona Pitt-Kethley.
Where: Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin Street.
When: 9.00 pm.
Friday 20th February
Readings: Dave Lordan & Alan Titley
A reading by two Cork expatriates who have made their family homes in Dublin each is noted for their biting satire. Dave Lordan (poet) & Alan Titley (poet, novelist who works in Irish and English)
Where: Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin Street.
When: 7.00 pm.
Readings: Dennis O’Driscoll & John Hartley Williams
Two distinguished poets, one Irish the other British whose work is distinguished by their European sensibilities. Dennis O’Driscoll and John Hartley Williams.
Where: Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin Street.
When: 9.00 pm.
Saturday 21st February
Humour in Poetry Workshop with Matthew Sweeney
A workshop focusing on humour in poetry with poet Matthew Sweeney. Limited to ten individuals.
Where: Munster Literature Centre, Frank O’Connor House, 84 Douglas Street.
When: 10.00 am
Fee: €30.
Please phone the Munster Literature Centre on 021-4312955 for reservations.
Book Launch: Trucker's Moll by Rosemary Canavan
Trucker’s Moll (Salmon, 2009), Rosemary Canavan’s second collection, continues her preoccupation with identity, landscape and change. She reveals the power of land to transform, to hold secrets, to heal and to destroy.
Where: Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin Street.
When: 2.00 pm.
Readings: Gina Moxley & Kevin Higgins
A reading by two Irish writers who have established reputations as dramatic readers of their own work.
Where: Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin Street.
When: 4.00 pm.
Readings: Paddy Estonian, Paddy Irishman & Paddy Japanese Man
Three absurdists not only from different corners of the globe, arguably from different corners of the universe. Andres Ehin, Gerry Murphy and Yatushiro Yoshimoto.
Where: Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin Street.
When: 7.00 pm.
Readings: Julie O’Callaghan & Dan Rhodes
A reading by American-Irish poet Julie O’Callaghan and British novelist Dan Rhodes.
Where: Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin Street.
When: 9.00 pm.