Poetry Writing with Catherine Phil
eight-week workshop is introduces some 'ways in' to writing that stir both
memory and the imagination. It offers a warm and constructive environment to
read and gain feedback on recent work and the focus of the workshop is on
participants' own poems and on developing a collection for publication. Participants are invited to
send poems in advance of the workshop that they are keen to
Writing the Short Story with Sean
17th January to 20th March, Tuesdays 6.30pm-8.30pm,
€280/€260 members
ten-week course for short story writers seeking to develop their craft in the
dynamic context of a group. This is a chance to immerse yourself in the issues
around the contemporary short story, to focus on
producing drafts of new stories and to have your work discussed in detail by
other writers.
Novel Writing with
Chris Binchy
17th January
to 20th March: Tuesdays 6.30-8.30pm. €280/260
eight-week course is aimed at people who are in the earlystages of writing or
planning a novel. The course will
provide feedback on participants' submitted work and will focus on identifying
their strengths, while discussing narrative structure, character
development, pacing and plot.
Finish Your Novel with Conor
16th January -
26th March: Monday 6.30-8.30pm. €280/260 members
This is a practical course for writers who are
already part-way through the writing of a book. The goal of the course is that
by the end of it, those attending will have gained sufficient impetus, clarity
and enthusiasm for writing that they will go on to complete their books.
Intermediate Creative Writing with Nessa O'Mahoney
You've taken your first steps into creative
writing; this eight-week course will provide you with the skills and confidence
to develop your own voice and experiment with a variety of forms and genres.
During the ten weeks, we'll examine poetry, poetic form and imagery, novels and short fiction, screenplays,
radio plays, and scriptwriting. The emphasis will be on generating new work, and
finding ways to improve existing work.
Beginners' Creative Writing with Alan Jude Moore
19th January
to 22nd March: Thursdays 6.30pm to 8.30pm. €280 / €260
This ten-week course is aimed at people
getting started as writers. Through exercises, discussion and advice you will
develop your skills as a writer and produce new work. The aim
of the workshop will be for participants to go away with an improved sense of
their own abilities and how best to use these to further develop their
Feature Writing with Henry McDonald
On this ten-week course Henry McDonald, author
and Ireland Correspondent of The Guardian, will cover feature writing techniques
for magazines, internet and newspapers, and how these genres differ from the
who, what, where, when and how of conventional straight news reporting. Hands-on
research and practical writing exercises will form the basis of this dynamic course.
Crime Writing with Cormac Millar (Cormac Ă“
24th January
to 13th March: Tuesdays 6.30-8.30pm. €220/200 members
Poetry Workshop with Enda Wyley
4th February:
10.30am - 4.30pm. Saturday. €80/70 members
you been writing poetry for a while and would like feedback on your work or are
you just beginning to write and hope to be inspired and encouraged? This one-day poetry workshop run by Enda Wyley aims to
inspire and encourage participants to study poetry by established poets, create
new work and to share their existing work with class members.
Writing Your First Novel with June
& 5th February: 10.30am - 4.30pm. Sat & Sun. €150/135
Whether you are writing your first novel or
still contemplating how to begin the opening chapter, Writing your First Novel
offers you an opportunity to explore the many elements involved in bringing your
work through the construction stage to completion. Step-by-step, from the
opening page to the all-important ending, this practical weekend workshop,
facilitated by well-known novelist June Considine, will cover character
development, plot, dialogue, setting the scene, time scale, building the
structure of your novel and discovering the narrative voice.
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