Mslexia welcome poems of any length, on all subjects - as long as they're written by women.
1st prize: £2,000
(plus two optional extras*: a week's writing retreat at Cove Park and a mentoring session with the Editor of premier magazine Poetry Review.
2nd prize: £400
3rd prize £200
17 other finalists will each win £25SPECIAL NEW PRIZE: £1,000 for the best poem by a previously unpublished woman poet.
Judge: Wendy Cope
Closing date: 16 June 2014 All winning poems will be published in Mslexia.
Please read the competition rules before entering.
Enter the competition here
Poetry Pamphlet competition

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Last year's winning pamphlet, Shadow Dispatches by Polly Atkin (right), is available to buy for just £5.
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