Sunday, 29 June 2014

Over The Edge 2014

Over The Edge is continuing its annual international creative writing competition in 2014.

The competition is open to both poets and fiction writers worldwide.

The total prize money is €1,000.
  • The best fiction entry will win €300
  • The best poetry entry will win €300
  • One of these will then be chosen as the overall winner and will receive an additional €400, giving the overall winner total prize money of €700 and the title Over The Edge New Writer of The Year 2014.

The 2014 Over The Edge New Writer of The Year will be a Featured Reader at Ireland’s leading literary reading series, the Over The Edge: Open Readings in Galway City Library, on a date to be scheduled in Winter 2014/15.

Salmon Poetry will read, without commitment to publish, a manuscript submitted to them by the winner in the poetry category. Doire Press will read, without commitment to publish, a manuscript of short stories submitted to them by the winner in the fiction category. The winner in the poetry category will have one of the poems from her or his winning entry published in the January 2015 issue of Skylight 47 magazine.

This year’s competition judge is Eleanor Hooker.

Deadline: Wednesday, August 6th, 2014

Entries should be sent to Over The Edge, New Writer of the Year competition, 3 Carbry Road, Newcastle, Galway, Ireland.

Entries will be judged anonymously, so do not put your name on your poem(s) or stories. Put your contact details on a separate sheet.

Criteria: fiction of up to 3000 words, 3 poems of up to 40 lines, or one poem of up to 100 lines. Any of the aforementioned is one entry.

The fee for one entry is €10. The fee for multiple entries is €7.50 per entry e.g. two entries will cost €15, three entries €22.50 and so on.

More info here

Friday, 27 June 2014

Aesthetica Creative Writing Award

Aesthetica Creative Writing Award: Call for Entries 2014.

The Creative Writing Award is a fantastic opportunity for existing and aspiring writers and poets to showcase their work to a wider, international audience: previous entrants have gone on to achieve success and recognition across the world.

There are two categories for entry: Poetry and Short Fiction.

Fiction entries should be no more than 2,000 words each and poetry entries should be no more than 40 lines each. Both short fiction and poetry entries should be written in English. Submissions previously published elsewhere are accepted.

Prizes include:
  • Publication in the Aesthetica Creative Writing Annual, a compelling anthology of new writing loved by audiences internationally
  • £500 prize money for Poetry winner: £500 prize money for Short Fiction winner
  • A selection of inspirational books from Bloodaxe Books and Vintage Books
  • A complimentary copy of the Aesthetica Creative Writing Annual

Entries close 31 August 2014. For more information and to submit visit the website

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

The Red Line poetry competition is now open and accepting entries. 

This year's judge is Nessa O'Mahony, author of Bar Talk (1999), Trapping a Ghost (2005) and In Sight of Home (2009).  

First prize is €300, second prize is €200 and the third prize is €100.

All shortlisted entrants will be invited to read their poems at an event in The Red Line Book Festival this October.

The competition is open to everyone living on the island of Ireland, as long as the work is original and previously unpublished.

There is no fee to enter. (so why not give it a go?)

The maximum number of entries per person is 2.

Deadline: Friday 15th August 2014.

See more information at

Monday, 23 June 2014

iYeats Poetry Competition

The iYeats Poetry Competition, now in its sixth year has become one of the most highly-regarded in the country, attracting hundreds of entries from across Ireland and abroad. An online, national and international competition, there are 2 categories; 
  • General (all adults)
  • Emerging Talent (for poets between the ages of 16 and 25)
JudgesPeter Sirr and Catherine Phil MacCarthy
Judging is anonymous
First Prize 500
Emerging Prize
Commended X2
All winning poets will have their entries published on the Hawk’s Well Theatre Website and will be offered the chance to read their work at Aloud an intimate evening of original poetry from our eminent past judges and the 2014 winners. This ceremony will take place during the 2014 Yeats International Summer School.
Deadline: Wednesday 10th July, 2014
Winners will be notified by Monday 21 July,  2014
Results Publicly Announced: 1pm, Thurs 31 July, 2014
Fee: €5 per poem or €12 for three
You can view last year's winning poems here.
Link here  for more details

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Dermot Healy Poetry Competition

The competition, just launched by the Five Glens Festival, is now open for submissions.

Deadline: 15th July 2014

Update: Extended to Sunday 20th July

The prize money is 1,000 euro, and shortlisted entrants will be invited to read their work at the festival.

Dermot Healy himself will be judging the shortlisted poems and will present the prize to the winning poet.

The ceremony will take place over the course of the Five Glens festival which runs from 22nd - 24th August in in the town of Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim and the area of the surrounding five glens.
Entry fee is €5 per poem

All the details are available on the website.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Limerick Bursaries for Tyrone Guthrie Centre

Limerick Arts Office Offering Two Bursaries for Tyrone Guthrie Centre

Limerick Arts Office is offering 2 bursaries for the The Tyrone Guthrie Centre. Each Bursary covers all board and lodging expenses for a week.

The Tyrone Guthrie Centre at Annaghmakerrig is a residential workplace for artists, dedicated to supporting and facilitating creativity within a welcoming and trusted environment.
It is an established and central part of cultural life in Ireland and is the largest residency of its type for artists in this country.

Download your application form here.

Deadline: 5PM FRIDAY 4th JULY 

All applications to Limerick Arts Office must be submitted electronically to and marked clearly as ‘TGB 14’

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Rewiring History Project

The Rewiring History Project is about the dynamic ways that living poets respond to and reshape the way we see the past. We are seeking submissions for an anthology Other Countries to be published in October 2014.

We want the best of today’s writing about history: any period in any country, any theme, any style, any form. We want to see your unique takes on the past that challenge the way that we see the world today. We want to hear about what the official version left out and are particularly keen to hear from underrepresented voices.

Deadline: 30th June 2014. 
Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions to find out more; 
visit our Tumblr site for inspiration;  
click here to submit a poem.

edited by claire trévien and gareth prior 
Gareth Prior says
we’re interested in how today’s poets respond to any version of history: any period, any theme, any viewpoint, any style. Poets engage with the past in endlessly creative ways (it’s somewhere between a necessity and an occupational hazard) and we want to showcase the best of this in fresh and challenging ways. In particular we want the voices that got lost or silenced; the truths the official version left out; alternative viewpoints that challenge and rewire all our yesterdays.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Boyle Arts Festival Poetry Competition

Late notice but here's the info:

Prizes: €500- First Prize and 4 x €50 highly commended

Closing Date June 20th

Shortlisted poems will be notified ahead of the awards, which will be held on Sunday 27th July 2014 in King House, Boyle at 7:30pm.

Entry: €5 per poem. - An Entry form must accompany the poems

Poems will be judged by Michael O’Dea

Link here

And they also have some literature events here

Friday, 13 June 2014

Writing competition in Trim Swift Festival

The Battle of the Books is an international writing competition (open to poetry and prose) organised by the Swift Satire Festival in Trim, Co Meath

A prize of €500 will be awarded to the winning entry.

  • Poems: minimum 40 lines, maximum 60 lines. 
  • Prose: minimum 800 words, maximum 1,000 words 

Entry fee is €5 per entry or €10 for three entries.
(Note: I recommend entering 3 as judging is always subjective when it comes to the top few) 

Deadline Tuesday 1st July, 2014

Judging is by Niamh Boyce

Travel is the theme of the competition, but the interpretation of ‘travel’ will be very wide indeed.

The competition is being run by the Festival, which will take place on Saturday/Sunday 12th/13th July. Shortlisted competitors will be invited to read their entries at a function in the town on the Saturday night. Writers who cannot attend will have their pieces read for them by actors or other writers.

Note: previous publication elsewhere does NOT disqualify. The material must, of course, be the entrant’s own work.

Lots more info here

Thursday, 12 June 2014

The London Magazine poetry competition

The London Magazine has launched a worldwide poetry competition which is open for all ages.
This will be a chance to get published in the oldest and most prestigious literary journal in the UK which has been home to Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes, Christopher Reid and many more, along with winning a cash prize.
Deadline: 30th June 2014
  • 1st Prize: £200 (and published in a future issue of The London Magazine)
  • 2nd Prize: £150 (and published on The London Magazine website)
  • 3rd Prize: £100 (and published on The London Magazine website)
Entry fee: £5 per poem.
Judges: Hugh Dunkerley and Michael O’Neill.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

The Pride and the Passion

Apparently the pride and the passion relates to football (or soccer to you Americans out there) Those of you who know me, may know I don't do football (or rugby or cricket or GAA or or or) but here's a competition for those of you who do. Yes, I'm that generous.

Closing date for entries is 5pm, Monday 14th July 2014.

There are three categories
  • short fiction (including flash fiction) and non-fiction of up to 1000 words
  • poetry up to 40 lines 
  • football chants up to three verses
Theme: football memories and experiences

Three entries for a fee of £8. You can enter as many times as you wish. It's online entry, open to anyone anywhere in the world (over 16)  so I'm presuming it's Paypal.

Entries will be read and judged anonymously.

Prize: The top 20 entries will be published in a printed anthology with the top three from each category receiving a cash prize.

Full rules here and submissions here.

Competition entries will be judged by a panel of professionals, including, celebrated poet Ian McMillan, writer, editor and publisher Alex Davis and Derby County’s club captain Shaun Barker.

Monday, 9 June 2014

BBC Radio 4 Seeking 3 Short Stories

Deadline: July 18th.

The Time Being BBC Radio 4 has commissioned Sweet Talk to produce three short stories by new voices for our returning series (TX dates currently scheduled for 11, 18, 25 January 2015). We are therefore inviting submissions.

Sweet Talk is an independent radio production company specialising in readings, drama and short form features. In recent times we’ve broadcast work by - among others - Alison MacLeod, Anita Sullivan, Olga Grushin, Adam Marek, Lynne Truss, Alison Moore, Melissa Lee-Houghton, Jonas Jonasson, Rupert Thomson, Katy Darby, Laura Barton, Jami Attenberg, Nick Walker, Morven Crumlish, Toby Litt, Simon Stephenson, Louise Stern, Andrew Miller, Jesmyn Ward, James Hopkin, Esi Edugyan, Shena Mackay, M.J. Hyland, Scarlett Thomas and former The Time Being contributors Heidi Amsinck and Tania Hershman.
This is the eighth season of The Time Being. The last was broadcast early in 2014.
Writers wishing to submit should be aware of the following:
• This is a week of new voices, so we’re looking for writers who are as yet unbroadcast (and largely unpublished: i.e. having a story in a magazine or anthology here and there is OK, but a track record of novels and story collections in print is not!)
• Please don’t submit stories that have been previously ‘performed’ (e.g. at readings events which have been filmed/recorded and put on YouTube etc.)
• Ideally, stories will not have previously appeared in print or online.
• Broadcast stories will be read by a single voice.
• Stories need to be between 2000 and 2200 words in length.
• Please put full contact details (name, post and email address, phone number) including any alternative contact details for vacations and a word count on the title page of each story.
• No more than two stories per writer, please.
• We are unable provide feedback on unsuccessful submissions.
We are already accepting stories but the closing date for submissions is 18 July 2014. Please email stories to
Jeremy Osborne
Sweet Talk Productions