Monday, 21 December 2009

Christmas Poem

Joining TFE's Santa Poetry Go-Kart. See his post for more festive offerings.

(Poem removed post festive season)


Totalfeckineejit said...

Christmas on a stick .love it!

Colm Keegan said...

That's gorgeous

Karen said...

Very sweet! Do we ever get over wishing for a Santa?

Niamh B said...

Lovely Poem - captures the magic

Titus said...

I love the tough wistfulness, and the changes in perspective, from huge vistas to small details. And funny too! What more could you ask for? Merry Christmas.

Michael Farry said...

I love "The winter sky was splattered with stars" - the word splattered especially. Also the listening to the night. The note of regret is lightened by the writing in the snow. Well done EW, Happy Christmas!.

Tess Kincaid said...

You've captured some of that Christmas magic. Love it!!

Rachel Fox said...

Yes, just the right amount of magic too. Like a dusting of snow.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

"the milky way stretched like a frosty road"

I like that image.

Mad Aunt Bernard said...

Time calmed down - I love that line! Great poem, glad to find you.

Liz said...

Brillaint the build up. Nice one, Kate!

Dominic Rivron said...

Really like it. I think I'll try the snow graffiti trick myself, as it looks like we're in for a white Christmas.

Emerging Writer said...

Thanks for all your lovely comments. Almost as enjoyable as writing the poem. Have a magically Christmas

Argent said...

I really loved this - especially, the beautiful punch-line ending.

NanU said...


Peace and joy to you all.