Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Fool for Poetry International Chapbook Competition 2018

Some people are fools for love, others are fools for poetry.

1st Prize: €1,000; 2nd Prize :€500
The winning poets are also offered a reading and three nights' accommodation at the Cork 2019 International Poetry Festival (March 27th-30th, 2019) (

The competition is open to new, emerging and established poets from any country. One of these winners will be the highest scoring manuscript entered by a debutant poet with no solo collection (full-length or chapbook) previously published.
Up to 25 other entrants will be publicly listed as "highly commended". 
Manuscripts can be between 16 and 23 pages in length, in the English language and the sole work of the entrant with no pastiches, translations or 'versions'.
The poems can be in verse or prose.
There is an entrance fee of €25 for each manuscript.
Entrants may enter more than one manuscript.
The winners will be selected by a panel of renowned poets including Mary Noonan, Matthew Sweeney, Thomas McCarthy, James Harpur and Leanne O’Sullivan.
The winning chapbooks will be published by Southword editions in March 2019 and will be launched at the Cork International Poetry Festival (March 27-30, 2019). It will be offered for sale internationally through our own website and in selected independent book sellers.

Deadline: Saturday 30th of June, Midnight
Link here 

Both winners will win a chapbook publication and 50 complimentary copies. The published chapbooks will be reviewed in Southword Journal and elsewhere.

Monday, 28 May 2018

The North - Irish Issue

The North – Irish Issue

Deadline: 30 Jul 2018

Issue 61 of The North, to be published in December 2018, will be a special Irish issue, edited by poets Jane Clarke and Nessa O’Mahony. It will focus on work by poets living on the island of Ireland, or who are from Ireland but living elsewhere. 
There is no set theme for submissions, but the editors are interested in contemporary poems reflecting the cultural diversity of life in Ireland in the 21st century, and particularly welcome submissions from poets from minority communities.
Send up to four unpublished poems to as a word attachment and cut and past it into the body of the email. Please make sure to put your name, postal address and email address on every sheet.
The editors also intend to include reviews of collections by Irish poets published between January 2017 and end April 2018. We welcome review copies – please email for address.

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Bread and Roses Poetry Award

Culture Matters is pleased to announce that the second Bread and Roses Poetry Award, sponsored by Unite, is now open for entries. It is part of our mission to promote a socialist approach to culture. The purpose of the Award is to create new opportunities for working class people to write poetry, and encourage poets to focus on themes which are meaningful to working class people and communities.
Submission Guidelines and Award Rules
1. You may enter up to three original, previously unpublished poems in English, each no more than 50 lines long.
2. You must be resident in the United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland.
3. Entry is free, and open to anyone regardless of trade union membership.
4. There will be five prizes of £100 each.
5. Entries should broadly deal with themes relevant to working class life, politics, communities and culture.
6. Entries should be sent to by midnight on Friday 8 June, or by post to Culture Matters, c/o 8 Moore Court, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 8QE, to arrive on Friday 8 June. No entries will be accepted after that date.
Winners will be invited to an award ceremony in Durham on 13 July, linked to the Durham Miners’ Gala, with travel and accommodation costs paid. The best poems will be published in an anthology later in 2018.
Copies of the Bread and Roses Poetry Anthology 2017 are available to buy here.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Wigtown Poetry Competition

The competition closes on 8 June, with a prize-giving at Wigtown Book Festival (21-30 September 2018).  

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Canterbury Festival Poet of the Year Competition

This is the 12th year of the Competition, which is widely respected and forms a major part of the Festival year.   
From the entries received about 35 poems are chosen for the long list and these are published in an anthology; copies are available from the Festival Office.  A shortlist of poems is then selected and from these the winners are chosen.  
The Competition is generously supported by the School of English at the University of Kent who donate the University of Kent Prize of £200 for the winner, £100 for second and £50 for third places, £25 for the People’s Choice and the Best-Read Poem receives a bottle of sparkling wine courtesy of the Wine Room, Tankerton.  
So send in your poems of all types, long, short, tragic, funny, whatever you are moved to write and you may find yourself crowned the Canterbury Festival Poet of the Year 2018.
The Competition deadline is Monday 18 June 2018.  
The fee for entry is £5 per poem and please don’t forget to attach an entry form which can be downloaded here.  
The poem or poem sequence may be on any subject and in any style but must not exceed 60 lines in length excluding title and line breaks.  
Entries are judged anonymously 
The Terms and Conditions can be downloaded here

McLellan Poetry Prize

Part of the McLellan Festival 31st August - 9th September 2018
This year's judge is Sinéad Morrissey.
 1st prize £1500     2nd prize £300     3rd prize £150

6 commendations of £25

The competition closing date is 21st June 2018

Fee £6 for the first poem and £5 for each subsequent poem submitted on the same form.

Poems should be of no more than 80 lines (excluding title), in English and your own original work (no translations).

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Bridport Prizes

This is one of the most prestigious writing contests in the British literary calendar.

Do you have a really good poem or short story? Or a few? I mean, really REALLY good?
  • poem - no more than 42 lines
  • short story - no more than 5,000 words.   
  • flash fiction category - stories of up to 250 words 
  • First Novel - 5,000 to 8,000 words
This year’s judges are Daljit Nagra, & (poems) Monica Ali (flash fiction and short stories) and Kamila Shamsie (First novel).

    Closing: 31st May (postmarked)


In each of the main categories (Short Stories, Poems) - £5,000, £1,000, £500.  There are also ten runners-up prizes of £100.  These are called ‘supplementary prizes’ to make you feel less like an also-ran.  The top four poems will be submitted to the Forward Prize. 

Prizes in the Flash Fiction category are £1,000, £500, £250, plus three supplementary awards of £100.

Note: Entries must never have been published, self-published, published on any website, blog or online forum, broadcast nor winning or placed in any other competition.

    Entry Fees have increased:Poems - £9.  Short Stories - £10.  Flash Fiction - £8, Novel - £20

    Comp PageClick Here.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Sand Submissions

SAND is an English-language literary journal published twice annually in Berlin. It features prose and poetry, translations, art and photography. Our contributors come from all over the world and include established and emerging writers, poets, artists, and translators.

We look for work that is fresh, well-written, accessible, and diverse, as we take pride in producing a beautiful journal that can be enjoyed by a wide audience.  We’re particularly interested in writing from perspectives that are generally underserved in literature, including work by women, people of color, people from the LGBTQ+ community, and people from the wider international writing community.

There is a good Q&A on Six Questions - a great idea for a blog!

Deadline: 6th July 2018


Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Mslexia submissions on the theme of cooking

Note: Open to women writers only.

Themed Writing
Twice annually we ask for themed poetry and prose submissions for the Showcase (previously New Writing) section of the magazine. Winners are selected by our Guest Editors (in the past they have included Julia Blackburn, Nicci Gerrard, Pascale Petit, Rachel Cusk and Sarah Dunant) and are published in the magazine. We also make a small payment for most submissions we publish.

We look for stories of up to 2,200 words, poems of up to 40 lines, and short scripts of up to 1,000 words (including character names and stage instructions).

Please note: we only accept up to four poems, two short stories and two short scripts per entrant.

 Issue 79: COOKING
Making a meal can be an act of love and sensual pleasure – or an act of hatred and grudging resentment. It can also be source of intense anxiety. Can I afford it? Will there be enough? Will they like it? Will it be on time? CLOSING DATE: 4 June 2018

Submitting your work
Entries are judged anonymously, so please put your name on a separate cover sheet and omit your name from your poem or story.

Or online here

Monday, 14 May 2018

Spectral Lines: Poems about Scientists

Alternating Current Press

At the intersection of science and poetry, strange things happen. There exists such a bizarre human experience and shared understanding, that we can’t help but admire and celebrate it. That’s what we’re hoping to achieve with this anthology. We want your poetry, prose poems, and hybrid work (that leans toward poetry) for an anthology of poetry about scientists. We are looking for the fundamentals of those scientists, a feeling, an atmosphere, something humanistic that breathes life into their beings, into their work. 
We are not looking for “biographies with line breaks,” and we are also not looking for poems about just science in general or “all scientists” or “all astronauts,” &c., combined. We want specific poems about specific scientists. Heavier consideration will be placed on poetry about female scientists, scientists of color, and more obscure subjects. Scientists can be dead or alive, and “scientist” is a very liberal term that can range anywhere from biologists to computer techs to inventors to chemists and beyond. Please note that we are not seeking prose for this collection. 

Because we do not want more than 2 poems about the same scientist within the same collection, once 2 poems have been accepted about the same person, we will list that scientist’s name here, and we will no longer be reading pieces about that individual (so please don’t submit them, once we are closed for them!). We are no longer looking for:
 Galileo Galilei
Marie Curie

This is a paid anthology.
There is no reading fee. We will accept approximately 40-50 poems for this collection, depending on length. 

Deadline 1st June 2018

Saturday, 12 May 2018

Frogmore Press

The people at Frogmore Press make it difficult to enter - post only, UK cheque - so I suspect the entry numbers will be lower a greater chance of success!

The winner of the Frogmore Poetry Prize for 2018 will win two hundred and fifty guineas and a two-year subscription to The Frogmore Papers. The first and second runners-up will receive seventy-five and fifty guineas respectively and a year’s subscription to The Frogmore Papers. Shortlisted poets will receive copies of selected Frogmore Press publications. 

Adjudicator: Janet Sutherland
  • Poems should be typed and no longer than forty lines.
  • Any number of poems may be entered on payment of the appropriate fee of £3 per poem.   Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to The Frogmore Press.
  • The following methods of payment are acceptable: cheque drawn on UK bank; British postal order; sterling.
  • The winner, runners-up and shortlisted poets will be notified by post. All shortlisted poems will appear in number 92 of The Frogmore Papers(September 2018), which will be available at £5.00 from the address below, and on the Frogmore Press website.
  • Closing date for submissions: 31 May 2018.
  • Entries should be sent to: The Frogmore Press, 21 Mildmay Road, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1PJ.
Link here

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Welsh Poetry Competition

The 2018 competition is now open and accepting entries.
Prize money
1st Prize – £500
2nd Prize – £250
3rd Prize – £100
plus 17 runners-up, specially commended entries.
Judge – Sally Spedding.
Deadline: Sunday 27th May 2018
  • Each poem must be no more than 50 lines in length, excluding titles.
  • £5 per poem (£6 PayPal).
  • Entries must be in English, not previously published in any form (including appearing on the Internet).

All entries to the competition will be judged anonymously so your creativity will be judged on its own merits. No filter judges!

Further information

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

iota submission call

In the next issue, IOTA will explore work and play. 

Send your take on this theme. Be as oblique as you like (and they like oblique...) 

They are looking for short stories, poems, life writing, memoir, travel writing, food writing and more. These forms can be combined, played with, deconstructed and all can be completely fictive - they only ask that your writing is bold and original. To quote Emily Dickinson, "tell us all the truth, but tell it slant."

Features and essays - Email us your work

Stories - Email your short stories to us we’ll read and respond to submissions as they come in 

Poems - Email up to four poems

We will read all submissions and get back with our decisions within four weeks. Please send your work to:

  • Fiction/non-fiction submissions may range between 500 and 2000 words 

  • Poems - we will consider submissions of up to four poems 

  • We can’t accept work that has previously been published in print or online

  • Please include your full contact details on a separate cover sheet with each submission

  • The closing date for submissions is July 1st 2018