A new one for me.
Deadline: 20 August 2008
Succour publishes in the UK and Ireland's new fiction, poetry and art. Editors in London, Manchester, Brighton, Exeter and Dublin are committed to seeking out and publishing the very best new writing - original and ambitious not clichéd or self-indulgent
The theme for the Autumn/Winter 2008/2009 issue will be Icons. Potential contributors are invited to respond to the title in as wilful or oblique a manner as they desire.
Please send your work in Word or Rich Text format documents, with a limit of 3,500 words (fiction) or 250 lines (poetry), to new Dublin editor Christodoulos Makris at succourdublin@gmail.com.
Again, they recommend you read a copy first. In Dublin, Succour is available from Books Upstairs, The Winding Stair and the IFI Bookshop or online.
And is you want to see what type of writing made it into the Stinging Fly:
There'll be a reading from the summer issue of The Stinging Fly on Thursday July 24th in the Winding Stair Bookshop, Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin 1 (across from the Ha'penny Bridge).
Grace Wells, the featured poet in the summer issue, will read alongside fiction writers Jennifer Brady and Orlaith O'Sullivan and poets Richard W. Halperin and Paul Perry.
The reading is at 7 p.m — all are welcome!
You know for a moment there I thought it said 'awful' not 'wilful.' Talk about a double-take!
Update on the Stinging Fly Submissions:
The erotic issue is postponed to later in the year. The editors say:
We had intended that this summer's issue (vol 2, no.10) would be the erotic issue, but we have held off on this as it has or may have become a separate entity, to be published in paperback form perhaps somewhere down the line. I'm sorry that I can't say when this will be but or if it will happen at all, but we will be sending out rejection notices soon, and I have sent some out already. So the longer you don't hear anything on this the better, however, nothing can be guaranteed.
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