Sunday, 25 April 2010

Ledbury Poetry Festival Competition

I have a few competitions and stuff from this Mslexia issue.

Ledbury Festival is 2-11 July 2010.

Prizes Category 1 (18 and over)
First Prize: Ty Newydd writing course in 2010
Second Prize: £250
Third Prize: £150

Category 2 (12 – 17)
First Prize: £100
Second Prize: £50
Third Prize: £25

Category 3 (11 and under)
First Prize: £25 book token
Second Prize: £15 book token
Third Prize: £10 book token

Fee: £3.50 for 1st poem, £2.50 for subsequent
young adult and children: 1st poem free, £1.50 subsequent.

Details here

Deadline: 5pm Thursday 10 June 2010
Judge: Billy Collins (Adult) and Brian Moses ( Children and Young People)

1 comment:

Pete Goulding said...

Yet another one with no online payment options.
My belief is beggared...