What's the difference between flash fiction, micro fiction and short stories?
Cinnamon Press is looking for pieces of microfiction - short short fiction or flash fiction, and pieces of prose poetry that tell a story in under 600 words.
Deadline: 15 Aug 2009
Fee: can't find any mention of a fee
Prize: Published in anthology (see fee)
You may submit as many pieces as you wish, and those selected will appear in a new Cinnamon microfiction and prose anthology to be published in late 2010, co-edited by Holly Howitt and Jan Fortune-Wood.
Submission Guidelines:
- Each piece must be no longer than 600 words. There is no minimum length.
- Pieces can be on any subject and you may send several pieces, but please submit them as a single Word attachment using a .doc or .rtf format
- Submit pieces to both Holly Howitt cinnamonanthology@googlemail.com and Jan Fortune-Wood jan@cinnamonpress.com with the words Microfiction Anthology in the subject line.
- In the body of the e-mail please type your name and location.
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