Monday, 22 December 2008

Gender Writing

Do you write like a man? Do you write like a woman? Is your writing genderless?
(Does it matter? If you write really girly, will men stop reading and vice versa?)
Apparently I write this blog 68% woman. See GenderAnalyze here if you're curious.


Group 8 said...

They said: "We guess is written by a woman (57%), however it's quite gender neutral."

And: "We guess is written by a woman (54%), however it's quite gender neutral."

Michelle said...


Apparently I write my blog 93% like a woman ...

Pete Goulding said...

My Community Voice Musings blog is measured at fairly neutral - 52% woman.
However, the accuracy of the thing is slightly called into question when the blog
is "definitely written by a man - 81%"

Emerging Writer said...

That is seriously pink and girly Michelle!