Monday, 29 March 2010

Sunday Tribune 2009 stories - Up for the Hennessey New Irish Writing

Well, it's official. I'm on the shortlist for the Hennessey New Irish Writing 2009/10 for fiction. April 20th is when it all happens. Cocktails and canapes in the Dinish Hall at Trinity. Not the Four Seasons this year, more's the pity. I love the Four Seasons.

Here's the competition, or all I could find. Let me know who I'm missing:

Short Stories

January James Lawless The Kiss

February Andrew Fox Currency

March Rob O'Shea Cut Throat



June Sara O'Loughlin The Beautiful People

July Niamh Boyce Steps of Stairs

August Alison Wells Bog Body

September Kate Dempsey Ginny Doran Writes Down the Whole Honest Truth

October John O'Donnell Promise

November Oona Frawley Cowtipping

December Alice Redmond Other People


January Michael Massey

February Eriko Tsugawa-Madden

March Aidan Murphy


May Olive Broderick

June Aideen Henry

July Jessica Traynor

August Cathal McCabe

September Helena Mulkearns

October Geraldine Mitchell

November Cliona O' Connell

December Ruth Daly

Not all poetry is nominated for the Hennessy. Only 6.


Pete Goulding said...

Oh well done, Kate. I remember reading it when it came out and being mightily impressed. Well done!

Padhraig Nolan said...

Good on ye, Kate. Best of luck with it!

Ann said...

Congratulations. Enjoy the cocktails.

Emerging Writer said...

Thanks y'all. Cocktails ahoy.

Máire T. Robinson said...

Congrats, Kate! Best of luck with it. Love the story, by the way.

Dublin Dave said...

Best of luck!

Emerging Writer said...

Thanks. You know you've all jinxed it now for me...

Michael Farry said...

Well done Kate and best of luck. I met Niamh Boyce at the magazine launch last week and James
Lawless read at one of our recent Boyne Readings and Open Mic

Totalfeckineejit said...

G'wan ya gud thing!Have a great night , hope ya win.( Great story title) Cocktails? Mmmm. Try a 'Hairy Mary', Poteen, Drambuie and Bovril. Lovely.

Brigid O'Connor said...

Congratulations, Kate, that's a great achievement, enjoy your cocktails !!

Juan Gabriel Llorca said...

Well done, you must be excited. I haven't yet experienced any meaningful publication, but I dream of having an experience like yours.

Good luck!

Emerging Writer said...

Thanks. yes, Greatly looking forward to it.

Ev said...

Best of luck Kate. Michael Higgins is another of the fiction ones (can't remember name of the story, but it was about a paedophile) he won the first fiction award two or three years ago. Tough enough field but I remember your story - it was a real winner

pittstop designer said...

Quick question -- is the New Writing feature open submission throughout the year?

Looking at the Tribune I can't tell.

Congrats on your nomination

Emerging Writer said...

Hi pittstop (is that like the pretty lady in the wacky races? Penelope?)
anyway, yes, open all year round. One story a month and one poem or set of poems. Good luck

Saffie said...

thanks for amassing the stories! I've been trying to eye up the competition but its hard to find them archived :) see you on the 20th!

Emerging Writer said...

Thanks Saffie. What are you up for?

Saffie said...

First Fiction! Real name's Sara O'Loughlin, I just use my nickname for my blog :)

Emerging Writer said...

O, a pen name or rather keyboard name. Just read your story. there's a great mood about it. Are you coming from New York, like your bio says?

Saffie said...

Thank you! I really enjoyed your story, I thought you captured the voice of a 12 year old girl very well. And no, I deferred my course in New York for a year and have been working as an intern at the Irish Writers Centre (who I see you are familiar with!)

Emerging Writer said...

Hi Saffie, yes I worked with Máire setting up twitter and using the blog!

Emerging Writer said...

See this link
for who's who and to their writing.